Utilita Gbobal Services Limited







Mon - Sat 8:00 - 17:00
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Utilita Global Services Limited

We Are Leading Industry of Engineers

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Utilita Global Services Limited

We Are a Fast-Growing Engineering Firm in Nigeria

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Utilita Global Services Limited

Experts and High Quality Works

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Reliable, Professional & Affordable for your next project.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the best Engineering firm solution provider in Africa and beyond. Leading Africa in solution providing in consulting, project management, installation and commissioning of engineering project and continuously setting higher standards of professionalism in environment impact and safety.

About Our Company

Our Company was incorporated in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in 2019 with Registration No.: RC 1597769 and since then have been in business. Our management comprises of seasoned and experienced Process Engineers, Mechanical and Technical Experts, tightly focused in helping businesses bridge the gap.

Utilita is a fast-growing engineering firm in Nigeria owing to its unique characteristics passionate desire to deliver jobs with great aesthetics and in accordance with international standards ad code. Delivering jobs within stipulated budget and timeline, highly motivated workforce exemplary ability to solve problems on the project without causing delays and use of qualified and professional personnel to deliver projects.

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What We Offer

UGSL through its professional and technical skills and methodology assist clients to meet the expectations of their engagement. Our audit approach will be specifically tailored to the operations of your company, focusing on strategic business risks with emphasis on operational risks. Central to our approach will be an intimate understanding of your business.

The ability to follow through on our commitment requires a dedicated team of professionals, and UGSL is pleased to bring you quality.

We place a high level of importance on the continuity of our engagement team members in order to carry forward the accumulated knowledge and understanding of the business.

Why Choose Us

We have grown our practice through our commitment to our clients in helping their businesses grow.

We have continuously built our resources, invested in specialist training, developed innovative service lines and relentlessly focused on the marketplace to position ourselves to provide first-class services to premier clients. As a result, we are entirely confident in our abilities to meet your needs with the scale and expertise of our resources, and to exceed your expectations with our sheer determination to deliver outstanding quality.

We are a client-focused, tailored skilled, profitable, Utilita Global Services Limited 8 and a fast-growing engineering and IT services firm in Nigeria.
  1. Professional Management and strong technology base.
  2. Proven capabilities for integration of software and hardware.
  3. Strong technical skills in installation, commissioning, maintenance and service.
  4. Dedicated service engineer’s for customer support.

UGSL through its professional and technical skills and methodology assist clients to meet the expectations of their engagement. Our audit approach will be specifically tailored to the operations of your company, focusing on strategic business risks with emphasis on operational risks. Central to our approach will be an intimate understanding of your business.

The ability to follow through on our commitment requires a dedicated team of professionals, and UGSL is pleased to bring you quality.

We place a high level of importance on the continuity of our engagement team members in order to carry forward the accumulated knowledge and understanding of the business.

As a result of our unique range of services, we have deep understanding of business issues from every perspective which enables us to deliver more comprehensive solutions to our clients.

There are two elements in the way that we do business that help us to stand out from our competitors:

  1. The breadth and depth of expertise we bring to each engagement, allowing us to solve even the most complex challenges; and
  2. The collaborative way, in which we work with clients and with each other, creating solutions with our clients, by bringing a multidimensional perspective, global reach and deep understanding of their needs.
  1. Security Analysis
  2. Advice on appropriate system
  3. Installation and Commissioning
  4. Integration
  5. Support and Maintenance

Quality Assured

Quality Control & Management

Our Quality Process is designed to provide a quality culture, to analyze the processes used to hire, train and retain staff, to develop and deliver services to our clients and to administer our own business.

Skill & Competence

Personnel in the firm adhere to the standards of independence, integrity, objectivity and confidentiality. The firm is staffed by personnel who have attained, and who maintain, the skills and competence required to enable them to fulfill their responsibilities.

Direction & Supervision

The firm provides for appropriate direction and supervision at all levels, together with appropriate consultation procedures, to give reasonable assurance that the work performed meets the highest standards.


We are aware of the importance that is placed on confidentiality requirements and we have a proven record of maintaining a strict code of confidentiality. Our firm policy always requires that affairs of clients be confidentially kept.


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